The lab welcomes the undergraduate students María Crugeiras Ríos (Biology), Ángela Iglesias Sánchez (Biology) and Sergio Serantes Otero (Chemistry and Biology, co-tutored with Dr. Juan R. Granja at CIQUS), who will be carrying out their BSc thesis in our lab. Best luck!
Diana Guallar, a former postdoc of our group, is co-first and co-corresponding author in a collaborative paper in Cell Stem Cell led by the Miguel Fidalgo and Jianlong Wang labs. Many congratulations for this great effort!
Raquel's poster was awarded one of the prizes in the III Annual CiMUS Workshop. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Lucía Pasarín, who just defended her BSc thesis with excellent marks and completed her degree in Biology.
Congratulations to our collaborators Esther and Alberto in Monica Segurado's lab (IBFG, Salamanca) for their paper in Nucleic Acids Research. We are delighted to see that this long collaboration finally came to fruition, with some biochemical experiments carried out by Raquel Carreira from our lab. Also thanks to Javi Aguado who had a big input in the initial part of this project in our lab.
Congratulations to Bernie and all the Genomes and Disease group for their high-impact work in Nature Genetics on LINE-1 retrotransposition in cancer as part of the Pan-Cancer consortium. Thanks to Jose Tubío for inviting us to participate in a part of the data analysis.
After five years, Javi has just become the first PhD from the lab. Apart from his involvement in the Yen1 biochemistry project, his help was invaluable in building the lab, from unpacking boxes to setting up many experimental conditions. Many thanks to the members of his PhD committee Silvia Ayora (CNB), Rafael Fernández Leiro (CNIO) and Anxo Vidal for a great discussion during the defence. Funding for his Predoctoral Contract by Xunta de Galicia (ED481A-2015/011) is gratefully acknowledged. Congratulations Dr. Aguado and best luck for the future! Our first attendance to the Meeting of the Spanish Yeast Network. Great atmosphere and interactions in the beautiful town of El Escorial. Thanks to Jesús Pla and Joaquín Ariño for inviting us to present our work.
October 2024