Below there are some links to media outlets reporting about Diana´s paper. Thanks to all of them, with a special acknowledgement to GCiencia for their nice piece:
GCiencia Telecinco Redacción Médica El Correo Gallego La Voz de Galicia Faro de Vigo Agencia SINC Congratulations to Diana and all the co-authors on her new Nature Genetics paper: RNA-dependent chromatin targeting of TET2 for endogenous retrovirus control in pluripotent stem cells. Well-deserved reward to a great work.
You can access the paper here and the link to the press release at Xornal USC here. After an outstanding seminar on structure-specific nucleases, cell cycle and chromosome pulverization, Dr Joao Matos shared a lunch with some of the PhD students and postdocs from CIMUS, as well as some time with us in the lab. Thanks a lot, Joao! We are delighted to host Dr. Joao Matos for a CIMUS Seminar next Friday, 23rd. Cellular nucleases gone bad: chromosome pulverization! Our lab participates in the seminar series and Open Door day for the students of the School of Biology at USC: "III Xornadas sobre a investigación en Bioloxía como saída profesional”. Thanks to all the attendants!
October 2024