Last Friday we had the pleasure to host Rafael Fernandez Leiro from the Genome Integrity and Structural Biology group at CNIO (Madrid) for a CIMUS Seminar on how Cryo-EM can help us elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind the DNA replication and repair machineries. Later on, he shared a lunch with some PhD students from CIMUS. Samuel, a past member of our lab is now solving Cryo-EM structures in his lab at a resolution of 2 Å !!! Thanks Rafa for your great seminar, discussions and advice! Today Tom is starting a 3-month research stay in the lab of our long-term collaborator Dr. Joao Matos at the Institute of Biochemistry (ETH, Zürich). We want to acknowledge the support from Xunta de Galicia for funding his stay and we wish him a very fruitful time.
After two great years in our lab, Diana is moving to a new postdoctoral position in Miguel Fidalgo's lab here at CIMUS. We are sure that she will surely become an independent PI soon and we wish her the best luck in her career, in which we hope to share fruitful collaborations.
Raquel starts today a 3-month research stay in the lab of Dr. Lumir Krejci (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic), who kindly accepted to host her so she can learn the misteries of D-loop reactions. We want to acknowledge the support from Xunta de Galicia for funding her stay and we wish her a very productive time.
The lab welcomes two new MSc students from the Master in Biomedical Research from USC that will be carrying their MSc thesis project in our group: Marce Abal Saninisidro (co-directed with María de la Fuente at IDIS) and Cristina de la Parte Rodríguez. Best luck to both of them!
We welcome Alexandre Deber López as an undergraduate technical trainee from the School of Biology for the next 6 weeks.
October 2024