The STEM-BACH students from IES Blanco Amor in Ourense visited the lab for a “hands-on”. It was a fun day, with very interesting questions from the students. Congratulations to Paco Boán and the rest of the Faculty of Blanco Amor for nurturing their scientific vocations.
Second PhD thesis from the lab!
Raquel has defended and passed her PhD viva with flying colours! Thanks a lot to the members of her PhD committe: Dr. Dana Branzei (IFOM, Milan), Dr. Aura Carreira (CBMSO, Madrid) and Dr. Anxo Vidal (CIMUS, USC) for a great discussion both during and after the viva. Many thanks and congratulations to Raquel for all her accomplishments in the lab. A strong candidate joins the postdoc job market! Moreover, Dana Branzei was also kind enough to participate in our CIMUS seminar series and delivered a magistral seminar on the latest advances from her group. It was a great pleasure to have you here! Congratulations to Amaia for passing her MSc viva with top marks! Amaia will continue her PhD in Prof. Juan Granja´s group at CIQUS, but we will keep working together in our exciting collaborations. Best luck!
Miguel gives an invited lecture on eukaryotic DNA repair mechanisms at the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC) - Retreat 4.0 on Mathematical Modelling in Biology. It was an amazing experience to visit these facilities and to establish new collaborations in such a beautiful location. Thank you Dr. Daria Stepanova and Prof. Tomás Lázaro for the invitation.
Miguel presents the latest results from the lab at Universidad de Sevilla. Thanks to Prof. Belén Gómez González for the invitation! It was a fantastic day.
Raquel presented her latest results at the EMBO Workshop “The DNA-damage response in cell physiology and disease”, in Sounio, Greece, for which she won a Travel Grant! Congratulations!
Fantastic news! María has secured a PhD contract from the program “Axudas de apoio á Etapa predoutoral do ano 2022” from Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade da Xunta de Galicia. Many thanks for the support.
The lab welcomes the undergraduate student Martín Romera Gutiérrez (Biology) who will be carrying out his BSc thesis in our lab. Best luck!
Congratulations to María after passing her MSc viva with top marks! Moreover, María will continue in the lab to pursue her PhD in Molecular Medicine. Great things to come from her!
Tomas´ poster on Pif1 translation regulation was awarded one of the best poster prizes in the I CiMUS Symposium. Congratulations!
September 2024