Fantastic news! María has secured a PhD contract from the program “Axudas de apoio á Etapa predoutoral do ano 2022” from Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade da Xunta de Galicia. Many thanks for the support.
The lab welcomes the undergraduate student Martín Romera Gutiérrez (Biology) who will be carrying out his BSc thesis in our lab. Best luck!
Congratulations to María after passing her MSc viva with top marks! Moreover, María will continue in the lab to pursue her PhD in Molecular Medicine. Great things to come from her!
Tomas´ poster on Pif1 translation regulation was awarded one of the best poster prizes in the I CiMUS Symposium. Congratulations!
Tomás and Miguel presented some of the latest lab results at the 86th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology: Genome Stability and Integrity. A fantastic meeting, the first in-person after 3 years, in one of the most iconic locations in the history of biology.
María and Amaia have both been awarded Initiation-to-Research fellowships for USC Master students (funded by the Becas Santander Investigación program) . Congratulations to both!
New MSc students join our lab! After graduating, María Crugeiras Ríos will continue in the group to carry out her MSc thesis as a student in the Master in Biomedical Research. Amaia Agulleiro Beraza also joins the lab for her MSc thesis within the Master in Chemistry at the Interface with Biology and Materials Science, co-mentored by Dr. Juan R. Granja Guillán at CIQUS.
Today, our paper on the bichemical characterization of S.cerevisiae Yen1 was published online at Nucleic Acids Research. This was one of the first projects of the lab, being initially led by Javier Aguado and subsequently taken up by Raquel Carreira, so we are delighted to finally see it published. You can find it in this link.
The lab welcomes Laura Rivadulla, who will be pursuing her PhD jointly between María de la Fuente´s (IDIS) and our own group. We are grateful both to CIMUS and Ministerio de Universidades for her awards of a "Initiation to Research" and "Formación de Profesorado Universitario" contracts, respectively. Moreover, María Crugeiras will remain in our group to pursue her MSc thesis with us, and hopefully more! Best luck to both!
The lab welcomes our two new MSc students, Anabel Allo Lois (Master in Biomedical Research) and Javier Bengochea Vázquez (Master in Chemistry at the Interface with Biology and Materials Science; co-mentored with Dr. Martín Fañanás at CIQUS).
October 2024